The OAD Clinic

Clinical Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) Treatment
Happiness and sadness are the feelings that give colour to our emotional life. It is normal to feel happy when you receive good news, and to feel sad when you have lost someone you loved. However, when sadness becomes the predominant feeling in your life, you should wonder if it has become depression. Patients with clinical depression feel sad for weeks or months, not just a few days. There is a general lack of energy, it is hard to wake up in the morning and difficult to sleep at night. The loss of appetite and sex drive are also usually part of the picture.

Symptoms and Effects of Clinical Depression
Over time, the initial reason for the person to feel sad becomes less important, more of a catalyst rather than the real motive. Patients lose interest in things they used to enjoy, they look at the future with no positive expectations and sleep becomes a problem. People around you think it should be mind over matter, but who wants to be depressed?
You feel more isolated by those comments, and tend to withdraw from friends and family more and more. Unhappiness and helplessness have settled in. In some cases, depression is accompanied by symptoms of anxiety such us: restlessness, a sense of dread, feeling constantly "on edge", difficulty concentrating and irritability.
Assessment and Diagnosis of Clinical Depression
There is a wide spectrum of depression that ranges from mild to severe forms, which include suicidal ideation or suicidal attempts.​ In order to find the most appropriate treatment for clinical depression, you have to undergo a comprehensive mental health assessment with a consultant psychiatrist. The OAD Clinic’s depression treatment clinic is a prestigious centre in London which can help you if you’re suffering from clinical depression.
During the assessment at our depression clinic, you will be asked about the following:
- Personal and family history of anxiety and depression
- Age of onset
- Previous treatments
- Relapses
- Physical health history
Blood tests and psychological evaluation may also be needed to clarify the nature of depression.
Personalised Depression Treatment Plans at The OAD Clinic
Once the comprehensive assessment has been completed, we will be in a position to discuss the best treatment option - from medication to depression rehab - for your personal circumstances.​ The OAD Clinic offers bespoke treatments for treating Depression at our depression therapy clinic.
What is Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD)?
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental disorder associated with persistent and pervasive low mood and sadness, low self-esteem, loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities (anhedonia), and a bleak vision of the future. Suicidal attempts are a frequent symptom associated with MDD. Treatment Resistant Depression is a debilitating subtype of MDD. People who have failed to respond to at least two different oral anti-depressants of an adequate dose and duration during their current depressive episode are regarded as having TRD.
Depressive patients also have difficulties with the following:
- Sleep
- Low appetite
- Diminished sexual drive
- General recurrent sense of lack of energy and enthusiasm (lethargy)
- Poor general health
Major depression has a massive impact on people’s personal and social life, it is a highly prevalent and disabling disorder.
​What are the available therapeutic strategies for Treatment Resistant Depression?
There are many different strategic approaches for treating TRD. The vast number of depression treatments just mean that there is not a highly effective single one.
Traditional Treatment Methods for TRD
The traditional approach to treating TRD has been a combination of high doses of different antidepressants under the supervision of an experienced clinician. Some patients are prescribed even more medications on top to manage the side effects of antidepressants. Even when patients manage to recover, they usually suffer from cognitive (memory, attention) disorder associated with the large number of medications prescribed.
Limitations and Risks of Conventional Approaches
Some clinicians are inclined to combine antidepressants with stimulants (methylphenidate, amphetamines) but the associated physical and mental risks are very high. This approach is not very safe.
Personalised Depression Treatments at The OAD Clinic
At The OAD Clinic, we provide clinical depression treatments, including therapeutic solutions for those with TRD. Our clinical depression treatment can be highly personalised according to the patient’s needs and requirements, making our London clinic an excellent place for patients to receive severe clinical depression treatment.​ From talking therapies to meditation and relaxation therapies, The OAD clinic provides a wide range of clinical treatments for depression.
Hormone Therapy and Intensive Psychotherapy
Some patients respond to combined hormone therapy and high dose of antidepressants, but that is usually the case when there is an underlying hormone (thyroxine, oestrogen) imbalance. Intense psychotherapy (frequent long sessions) have also been tried, but today we know that TRD is mainly a biological disorder related to chemical imbalances in the frontal lobe. Having said that, individual and family psychotherapy are a very important part of treatment but usually fail when they are not associated with pharmacological interventions.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Severe Cases
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is also an option for patients who have tried everything and failed every time. It has been used for more than 80 years, and it is mainly indicated for severe resistant depression or psychotic depression. One of the most recent pharmacological strategies for TRD is esketamine, available as nasal spray.
Innovative Pharmacological Strategies: Esketamine
Spravato is a medication which contains esketamine and is licensed in the UK for the treatment of TRD. It is taken by a nasal spray device.​​

​​​Countries We Serve
Depression treatment is also available for individuals from the following countries: Egypt, India, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Please book a consultation at our London clinic to begin the first steps of treatment.
Contact Us for Support
Contact us today to get the help you need at our clinic for depression. You can also learn more about our antidepressant treatment here.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many different strategic approaches for treating TRD. The vast number of depression treatments just mean that there is not a highly effective single one.
How does clinical depression differ from typical depression?
Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is more severe and persistent than typical depression. While everyone experiences low moods from time to time, clinical depression involves intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in daily activities that last for weeks or even months. It often requires medical treatment due to its significant impact on one’s ability to function.
Who is at risk of developing clinical depression?
Clinical depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. However, certain factors such as genetics, trauma, chronic stress, and underlying medical conditions may increase the likelihood of developing this condition. It's important to note that clinical depression is not a sign of personal weakness or a character flaw.
How prevalent is clinical depression?
Clinical depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people will experience clinical depression at some point in their lives, making it a significant public health concern. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to managing its impact.
Is there a way to reduce the risk of developing clinical depression?
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent clinical depression, certain lifestyle choices may help reduce the risk. These include maintaining a healthy diet, regular physical activity, sufficient sleep, and stress management techniques. Building strong social connections and seeking help early when feeling overwhelmed can also be beneficial.
What complications can arise from untreated clinical depression?
Untreated clinical depression can lead to several serious complications, including chronic health problems, substance abuse, relationship difficulties, and an increased risk of self-harm or suicide. It may also contribute to impaired cognitive function, such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating, which can affect personal and professional life.
When is it important to consult a healthcare professional about clinical depression?
You should consider seeing a healthcare provider if you experience persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed. Additionally, if these feelings interfere with your daily life, work, or relationships, or if you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it is crucial to seek professional help immediately. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes.​​