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Frequently Asked Questions about ADHD

What causes ADHD

Unravelling the ADHD mystery: genes and environment in symphony.


ADHD is likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, as studies have shown that it tends to run in families.


Environmental factors such as prenatal exposure to toxins, premature birth, low birth weight, head injuries, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and excessive screen time have also been associated with an increased risk of developing ADHD.


However, there is no single cause of ADHD, and the interplay of different factors involved in the disorder is complex and requires more research to fully understand.

At what age does ADHD appear?

ADHD knows no age: Spotting the signs from childhood to adulthood.


ADHD can occur at any age, but it is most commonly diagnosed in childhood, with symptoms typically emerging before the age of 12 and noticed by caregivers. However, ADHD can also be diagnosed later in life, due to milder symptoms or an individual's ability to compensate for their symptoms.


Symptoms of ADHD can change over time, and may be more or less noticeable depending on an individual's age and life circumstances. It's important to undergo a comprehensive evaluation to receive a proper diagnosis of ADHD.


How do we treat ADHD?

A winning combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.


ADHD is usually treated with a combination of medication, behavioural therapy, and lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms and improve daily functioning.


Stimulant medications are commonly prescribed to improve attention and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity, while behavioural therapy like CBT can teach skills to manage ADHD symptoms and develop coping skills.


Lifestyle changes like exercise, improved sleep habits, and organization systems can also be effective. Treatment for ADHD is individualized and requires a comprehensive evaluation by a specialized team.


Is ADHD curable?

With the right tools and support, success is always within reach.


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that currently has no known cure, but with proper treatment, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms effectively and improve daily functioning.


The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and improve functioning, rather than to cure the condition. Medication and behavioural therapy are often effective in reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life for individuals with ADHD.


While symptoms may change over time, it's possible for them to persist into adulthood and affect daily functioning.


Managing ADHD requires ongoing effort and commitment, and individuals should work closely with a specialized team to develop a treatment plan that works for them.


With the right support and treatment, individuals with ADHD can lead fulfilling and successful lives.



Countries We Serve


If you are based in Egypt, India, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates, and are interested in The OAD Clinic’s ADHD treatment programmes, we encourage you to visit our clinic in London for an initial consultation with our clinical team.

Get in touch with us today for more information on how our experts can help you manage and control ADHD symptoms through one of our suitable bespoke programmes.


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